Is it a good time to buy BTC?


I designed + coded a chrome extension that lets you know whether its a good time to buy bitcoin, pulling from the bitcoin fear and greed index API.

Project Overview

I made this to yassify btc resources and because I wanted to code a product using an API. I’m utilizing’s Bitcoin Fear and Greed Index API & created the extension using HTML, CSS, & Javascript.

Problem Statement

Financial resources are difficult to parse and most are ugly. Many of my friends in fashion and design don’t follow financial markets closely yet have the desire to know more.

Research & Discovery

I started my development research looking into how to create a chrome extension. I found the Google Chrome Developers sample projects most helpful. I also created another test extension to play around with APIs. This Rapid API example for how to call APIs was also helpful in understanding how to call APIs. I also built a chrome extension that tells you the current ETH price based off of the Rapid API concert example. Once I built this, I knew I could build something using the Crypto Fear & Greed Index API.

I started my design research by understanding the indicators that help degens understand when it is a good time to buy bitcoin. Last year, I made a Tik Tok covering several of these indicators. Since I wanted to build a tool that could be helpful in real time, I knew I needed an open API. Of the indicators, I did find an API for the Bitcoin Fear and Greed Index.

The next part of my research was looking at the existing visual depictions of the Crypto Fear & Greed Index. To date, this has always been depicted as a meter. I wanted to make it more yassified, and even simpler, like a yes or no.

My design mocks in Figma.

Design Process

I first mocked out what I wanted the chrome extension to look like in Figma. Then I started developing according to those designs. I ultimately was able to code all the specs that I wanted in the design. I documented a bit of my process in building this: here’s the first video, here’s the second. I used ChatGPT to help me understand the code for the marquee. The code from ChatGPT was not perfect, and I spent a few hours after configuring & updating the code to resemble my final designs.

Results and Impact

The chrome extension is live in the Chrome Store, add it to your browser today! I posted a Tik Tok video of the final result, and there are currently 8 users of my chrome extension. : )


If I were to update this chrome extension, I’d add the option for a user to change the level of risk they are wanting to take on. I modeled this configuration based on my personal preferences of being extremely conservative. If I were really bringing this product to market for profit, I would have talked with more users before/while designing and developing it.

The final extension! Download it from the chrome store, today!